Tuesday 25 December 2012

"Here on Christmas Day"

A Christmas song ... 

"Photographs in picture frames
Around memories of yesterdays.
Raise a glass to everyone
Whose footsteps are still on my heart,
Whose loved has kissed my soul,
Whose heart has held my own,
And though they’re gone,
I feel they are still here on Christmas Day.

Come with me and let me show you
This wonderful, magical Christmas Tree. 
Each toy is a memory; past, present and future,
Each light is a kiss; there’s even a spare!
Raise your glass high; both behind and forward
As we toast the past, and what’s yet to be.
Santa Claus holds us all safe in his arms,
As we over-indulge in this love that we share.

Stories that are yet to be
Written down in memories.
Let’s spare a thought for those yet to come;
Souls that my heart has yet to meet.
Gifts that will be share,
Food to be prepared,
And though they’re not yet here,
I feel their love here on Christmas Day.

Come with me and let me show you
This wonderful, magical Christmas Tree.
Each toy is a memory; past, present and future,
Each light is a kiss; there’s even a spare!
Raise your glass high; both behind and forward
As we toast the past, and what’s yet to be.
Santa Claus holds us all safe in his arms,
As we over-indulge in this love that we share ..."

(c) Sharon Cox 25.12.12

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